About Me

Curriculum Vitae

A brief list of my current skill set


Forest Racer - A HTML5 Game in Under 13K
Tuesday, 11th September 2012, 20:46

Including all assets, but only when zipped

Entering a 13k HTML5 Game Competition
Tuesday, 4th September 2012, 16:31

I'm so tempted to have a go at this

Faster Loops and Faster Iterations in Node.js and V8
Wednesday, 29th August 2012, 13:16

Is Object.keys faster than For...In?

And the Fastworks.js framework is Born!
Wednesday, 22nd August 2012, 16:23

Well I'm excited, even if you aren't

Libxmljs Update on CentOS 3.8 throws an SELinux Wobbley Fit
Monday, 20th August 2012, 15:40

The right way to fix this sort of issue

TV Land Doesn't Understand Technology
Friday, 17th August 2012, 17:09

Or maybe it does and thinks we don't?

Yet More Benchmarking - Function Chains vs Object Chains
Wednesday, 15th August 2012, 13:34

Working towards a faster Node.js framework

More Benchmarking in Node.js and V8
Tuesday, 14th August 2012, 12:19

Working out the fastest way to route

MinnaHTML.js Benchmarking for Speed in Node.js
Monday, 13th August 2012, 17:55

Don't believe it, test it

Playing Around With HTML5's Canvas
Friday, 10th August 2012, 16:19

Speccy loading screens in a browser!

Scripting in Node.js AKA How to Watch for Olympic Tickets Using a Script
Tuesday, 7th August 2012, 23:37

Let Node refresh the webpage so you don't have to!

A Javascript Confirm/Alert Replacement jQuery Plugin
Monday, 6th August 2012, 23:06

Much prettier than the horrible alert and confirm dialogs

A Few Node.js Essential Modules
Friday, 3rd August 2012, 14:40

As essential as they can be anyway

Retro Coding Corner: Loading ZX Spectrum Snapshots off Microdrives - Part 2
Tuesday, 31st July 2012, 18:20

It's like juggling 8 balls with one hand behind your back

One Layout To Rule Them All
Monday, 30th July 2012, 16:03

Designing a layout to fit every screen

Projects and Sillyness

MAME Cabinet Diary

How I built my own arcade cabinet

Loading Screen Simulator

I don't miss the ZX Spectrum, I still use it!

The Little Guy Chat Room

It's a Pitfall inspired chat room


A fully featured MP3 player what I wrote

GP Space Invaders

My first little emulator

GP32 Development Page

Some info and links about this cute little handheld

Disney Nasties

Uncensored images, you must be 18 to view them

Diary of a Hamster

Learn about how hamsters think, first hand


Time Calculator

A simple little online utility for working out how many hours to bill a client

A Few Links

MinnaHTML.js Benchmarking for Speed in Node.js
Monday, 13th August 2012, 17:55

One design decision I made when creating MinnaHTML for Node.js was to have each object contain a data property, and for every other property to represent an attribute for that object. Anything non-attributy, should go in the data property object, this kept things nicely out of the way and unlikely to conflict with attributes for the foreseeable future.

Unless that is someone needed to have an attribute called data, which I considered unlikely, because people tend to prefer using the "data-" prefix instead.

But there was another way to do it which I am now happy to report turns out to be slower, yet I'm not entirely sure exactly why. It is related to the defineProperty() method of Object, with which you can set a number of settings including enumerable. This last one, if set true, will include it when you do a for..in loop on the object. If false, it won't, so here looks to be a way to do away with the data property object I'd added and move everything to the root.

Doing so is quite easy, converting it all is just a case of search and replacing every instance of ".data." with ".", but complications immediately arise. The first being content, this is also used as a valid attribute for some tags. The second is the requirement to set every property's enumerable flag to false, which has to be done in the constructor due to the inheritance model we are using.

To avoid conflicts I also renamed all the variables that were originally part of the Data object with a prefixed underscore, that made them easy to spot if they leaked somehow into the generated HTML code, and helped avoid conflicts with things like "content".

But surely with V8 the overhead of doing that could potentially be less than the speed gains of not having to check if each property is an object or not when building the HTML at the end? On the face of it, that looks very possible, but you should never trust instincts when you can benchmark and prove it.

So, in the constructor for the Base object, the following:

this.data = new Data(parent, tag, cid);

is replaced by:

this._tag = tag;
Object.defineProperty(this, "_tag", { enumerable: false });
this._cid = cid;
Object.defineProperty(this, "_cid", { enumerable: false });
this._parent = parent;
Object.defineProperty(this, "_parent", { enumerable: false });
this._content = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, "_content", { enumerable: false });
this._readycount = 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, "_readycount", { enumerable: false });
this._readycallback = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, "_readycallback", { enumerable: false });
this._abort = false;
Object.defineProperty(this, "_abort", { enumerable: false });
this._childlist = new Array();
Object.defineProperty(this, "_childlist", { enumerable: false });

So this is twice as many lines as the Data() constructor uses, minus a function call. But hopefully not requiring a check later on when building up the HTML from a tree, this should be offset.

Now to benchmark it, using a simple technique. We'll just create a Date() object which will set the time to now (in the movie), run a loop a significant number of times that calls a function which creates a bunch of objects and then generates the HTML from them. Then create another Date() object and do a quick bit of maths.

var mh = require("minnahtml").mh;

var runtimes = 10000;
var dtStart = new Date();


for (var runcount = 0; runcount < runtimes; runcount++)

var dtEnd = new Date();

console.log("Runs: " + runtimes + ", Total Time: " + (dtEnd - dtStart) + "ms, Avg Time: " + (dtEnd - dtStart) / runtimes) + "ms";

So pretty simple. The reason we call testFunction() before the loop is to give V8 a chance to precompile the code for the function. It actually isn't that necessary to do this, providing you are comparing two results using an identical testing method.

And now for our test function itself:

function testFunction()
hPage = new mh.Html();
hHead = new mh.Head(hPage);
hBody = new mh.Body(hPage);

new mh.Link(hHead, null, { rel: "shortcut icon", type: "image/ico", href: "/favicon.ico" } );
new mh.Meta(hHead, null, { "http-equiv": "content-type", content: "text/html", charset: "utf-8" } );
new mh.StyleSheet(hHead).href = "/styles/standard.css";
new mh.Script(hHead).src = "/scripts/jquery172.js";
new mh.Script(hHead).src = "/scripts/general.js";

new mh.Div(hBody, "header");
new mh.Image(hBody.header, "banner", { src: "/images/headerlogo.png" });

new mh.Div(hBody, "mainarea");
new mh.Paragraph(hBody.mainarea)._content = "This is a test page " + Math.random();

new mh.Div(hBody, "footer");
new mh.Div(hBody.footer, "credits");
new mh.Paragraph(hBody.footer.credits)._content = "Thanks for viewing";

return hPage.generateHtml();

I threw in a Math.random() just so the content was different each time, in case V8 had some sneaky optimisation method I didn't know about. But basically, this is a pretty simplistic page to test it on, no database calls, very little content. It should test the speed of MinnaHTML.js in isolation well enough.

And the results... surprised me.

I made my initial decisions based on things other than performance, yet it turns out the way I chose to do it is faster. The overhead of setting things as enumerable is actually significant.

Here is the output from the new enumerable version:

Runs: 10000, Total Time: 10677ms, Avg Time: 1.0677ms

And here is the original version:

Runs: 10000, Total Time: 6505ms, Avg Time: 0.6505ms

I ran these tests a few times, the difference was always about the same. Maybe with a later version of V8 it might close the gap, but for now, and as of Node.js 0.8.6, the old way is better.

One final thing to find out, what the actual overhead of setting this property dynamically is. Here is our new function:

function testFunction()
var obj = new Object();

obj.dog = "dog";
obj.cat = "cat";
obj.ten = 10;

With a test run of 9 million iterations, we get:

Runs: 9000000, Total Time: 394ms, Avg Time: 0.000043777777777777775ms

And now for our new function:

function testFunction()
var obj = new Object();

obj.dog = "dog";
obj.cat = "cat";
Object.defineProperty(obj, "cat", { enumerable: false });
obj.ten = 10;

The results are:

Runs: 9000000, Total Time: 34838ms, Avg Time: 0.003870888888888889

That is a HUGE performance hit, defining these properties on the fly like this carries a heavy penalty in V8. Can we set them a different way perhaps? Maybe, but all my attempts to do so result in properties being enumerable that shouldn't be.

If there is a way that I'm not aware of, I'd like to know it.


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